Oral Surgery

oral-surgery1Oral surgery can be as minimal as removing a baby tooth or as major as wisdom teeth removal and/or facial reconstruction from an auto accident. We also refer to the oral surgeon to place implants.

We generally remove all wisdom teeth in-office for you, without referring you out-of-office to a specialist. Dr. Garner received a one-year oral surgery internship at the VA Hospital in San Francisco, and has successfully removed approximately 27,000 wisdom teeth.

We use a wide range of anesthetics for your comfort and can have a board-certified anesthesiologist bring his equipment right into our office, should you decide you want to sleep through the procedure.

The latest in all sterilization techniques are in use. Our office has received special recognition for going "above and beyond" in the sterilization area.

Should the need arise for a referral, we have a list of all board certified oral surgeons , which our office has used for years.

Types of Anesthesia Used in Our 21st Century Dental Office

Topical Anesthetic

Usually applied in the dental office via a Q-tip and only effective to a very minimal depth.

Local Anesthetics

Delivered by the dentist using a syringe with a needle.

  • Lidocaine 1:50,000 (ppm epinephrine) used to control minor bleeding
  • Lidocaine 1:100,000 (ppm epinephrine) regular anesthetic
  • Carbocaine 3% (NON epinephrine) used for patients with heart and blood pressure problems
  • Marcaine 1:200, 000 (ppm epinephrine) used for patients with heart and blood pressure problems

Anesthesia (TENS)
Delivered via an electronic device controlled by either the dentist, the patient or both.

Subgingival "Needleless" Anesthetic
Swished around the mouth 2 minutes prior to deep cleaning. However, no longer on the market (select pharmacies may custom make it for the dental office).

Dentistry with a Pill

Taken orally, in pill form, the evening prior and one hour prior to the patient's dental procedures. Does NOT put the patient totally asleep as implied and is generally accompanied by  local anesthesia. The pill only relaxes the patient.

Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)

Generally used in conjunction with other types of local anesthesia and/or conscious sedation. Generally speaking this type of gas only relaxes a patient and doesn't truly anesthetize. Side effects are dental amnesia.

Conscious Sedation

Generally delivered by a trained anesthesiologist (IV) while the dentist performs your dentistry. With this type of anesthesia the patient can resond to basic commands and breathes on their own. The patient cannot carry on a conversation with the dentist. The side effect is amnesia.

General Anesthesia

Same as conscious sedation except the patient is totally asleep and the anesthesiologist MUST breathe for the patient (or the patient will quit breathing).

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